There are few things I love more than planning a wedding. It is so unfortunate that most of us only get to do it once in our lives. Well I know not everyone feels that way, but I sure do and loved planning
my own wedding. But perhaps what's even better than planning our own big day is when someone walks into your home and says "We want to get married, and we want you to plan the whole thing."

I was so thrilled when a close friend approached me and asked that question a few months ago. First, thrilled that she was getting married to her wonderful fiance, but the offer was a very close second. While many might flinch or waiver, I just immediately started asking questions so that I could get a vision in my head as to how it would all look. This also happens to be the most awesome bride on the planet. She literally wants me to do everything. "My colors? I don't know. Ask Sarah." It's a designer's dream come true.

Now, I have the advantage of having known her my whole life and know her personality and style well. She is classic, but a whole lot of fun and I want the wedding to appear as though it could have taken place in any decade. Classic, classic, classic.

The few guidelines the bride and groom gave me were that they wanted a traditional New England Clambake for 250+ people at an outdoor venue this coming summer. They want it to be very casual, but also very nice. The bride envisions herself in an eyelet dress. And there must be croquet and bocce!

So the date is set for June 25. While these images aren't quite what we'll be doing (although the groom insists I find the above tie), I'm using them as my inspiration board. The colors are going to be light blues and white with a pop of lime, mostly in the flowers. Hydrangeas and peonies-my two favorites and hers too- will be bountiful, lanterns will fill the tent, and Adirondack chairs will be scattered across the lawn of
Sweet Berry Farm, a local favorite spot with gorgeous westward views. And it will be strawberry season so picture that cake with a pile of the sweetest, juiciest strawberries you've ever seen. As more of the details unfold, I'll be sure to share them with you.
I came across your blog because I'm planning on a clambake theme for my wedding next year! I'm having a hard time finding the appropriate venue - looking in westchester county, ny. Where is your friend's wedding? If you have any tips on finding a location I'm all ears!